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975 | (MRG)

5.9d | Arthur Page

This was a bit of a technically tricky clip. I succeeded on the fourth attempt but the beginning part of the video was corrupted so I had to borrow footage of the first three holds from a before failed attempt. You should notice a different belayer at the end from the beginning (Thank you Scott and Brandon). At 975 (5.9+), this is to date the technically most difficult climb that I’ve attempted.

5.8 | Marathon (MRN)

5.8 | Marathon (MRN)

This route is one of the best I’ve ever climbed. It was a winding and difficult route spanning a doorway then climbing above it. It snaked back and forth like a river up the wall. I assumed from my initial look that it went straight up but as soon as I placed my hands on the starting point I realized why they call it Marathon. Thank you Metro Rock North for this gem!
