This is the same route from below climbed a while ago but this time around I’m climbing for a lead test.

This is the same route from below climbed a while ago but this time around I’m climbing for a lead test.
Even though this route is rated a 5.9, it climbs more like a 5.8 so it’s what I call an ego climb. Read more
Even though this route is likely over rated, I’m still calling it my best ever for the time being. Read more
Nailed this one first try out of the gate after a boulder reset. The black routes in this corner are always tricky balance problems. This one starts with a hard left lean but once you get your center of gravity up and over the center, it is pretty straight forward.
Podcast: Download (137.7MB)
I finally landed this beast! It is only five holds to the top but the third one is a tiny red jerk. I could make it to that hold every time that I tried this route but each time I just slid right off it. Read more
Brandon Udelhofen takes this 5.8 on lead at Brooklyn Boulders in Boston, MA set to Reflecktor by Arcade Fire.
Podcast: Download (Duration: 4:24 — 83.3MB)